Friday, June 22, 2012

I Go Back

Yesterday I was driving home, and I couldn't stop smiling. Mostly because of the silly things my little dudes did, but also because the music on the radio was so perfect. I had heard the lyrics and melodies of these songs time and time again, but something was different. The words hit me in ways that they hadn't before.

Depending on where we are in our lives, words have different meanings. Something may make us cry one day and laugh the next. Songs may take us back to a moment. When I was running my half marathon, Katherine asked me what song was playing on my iPod as we began to run. "You'll remember it forever." I remember songs that I played on my way to my cousin's funeral. I remember songs played in college as I danced along with my girlfriends. Songs take me back to places I want to revisit, but also to times when life was tough. I love music. I love what it represents to me, as well as what it means to others. We are all able to interpret, dislike, and cherish each song that plays. Music is powerful. 

I started listening to "Every Now and Then" by Garth Brooks. It reminded me of my past, but it also helped me appreciate where I am today. Yes, it's okay to look back. It's okay to think about how things used to be, but it's important to realize what we have today. 

"And I love my life. And I'd never trade between what you and me had and the life I've made. Cause she's here and she's real, but you were too."

The past sits in the past, and it's not worth revisiting. It's not worth sulking over or wondering what might have been. Even though every now and then I go back, I am pleased with my life and the events that brought me here. 

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