Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Why Are You Here?

Do you ever have those moments where you truly believe you are exactly where you need to be? I’m sure I’ve talked about this before, but I have been getting that feeling often lately. I go about my day knowing that I am making the right decisions. No, I don’t have it all figured out. Oh how I wish I did, but I know that it isn’t always that easy.

I opened up my Bible the other day and a slip of paper fell out.

“God put people in your life for different reasons. Some to learn from, some to help you, and some to help you realize how strong you are.”

I began to smile because I remember writing this down. I remember exactly why I wrote this down and how much sense it made to me at the time. I realized that this will forever fit into my life. People come in and out of our lives when God believes we need them.

I started thinking about the people in my life, the people that have gradually became a memory, and those people that are yet to enter my life. They are all a part of me for different reasons. I found myself searching for reasons as to why each person has been in my life. Why are you here? And what about you?

It didn’t take long for me to realize I was overanalyzing the entire thought. I will never know for sure, but I know it helps me come to terms with rough situations and broken relationships. I know that each person has made me who I am. I have been blessed with a thirst for learning, desire to overcome, and strength to move on. 

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