Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Learning About Boys

So far, this summer has proven to be quite educational. Not only have I already completed five novels, but I am gaining insight into the minds of boys. While I did grow up two years younger than a brother, I am finding out that my perspective on boys is much different at the age of twenty-six. The comments and actions that stem from these little creatures is quite entertaining and disturbing. All in all, I am having a great time learning and sharing stories about boys. 

I've always known that boys were a different breed, but I guess I didn't realize how loud, destructive, and smelly they can be. Don't get me wrong, they are lovable and silly too, but I find myself speechless more often than not. There are the constant 'little boy farts' that seems to sneak in wherever we go. I finally announced that my car was a 'no farting zone,' but that hasn't seemed to make much of a difference. And of course, there are the subtle comments about male reproductive organs. I guess I forgot that testicles can also be refereed to as 'nards.' Seriously, this is my life right now. 

Today I got the pleasure of overhearing a conversation about early signs of puberty. Did you know that you have to wash your face more to avoid pimples? Who knew? There is also the unavoidable topic of girls. I am not sure, but I think someone is going to be calling a girl tonight to see if they want to 'date.' We all know I am using this term loosely because the couple will probably not see each other all summer. 

I often find myself eavesdropping while the boys chat during and in between Playstation and Wii games. It's just so I know if a fight breaks out... I'm not a creep. 

Also, there is the issue of eating... or should I say snarfing. Boys suck down pizza and macaroni in a matter of minutes. I'm not sure if it's because they are hungry or if they just want to continue playing. I actually caught one of the shysters licking his plate the other day. Necessary? I don't think so.

I love how these boys keep me laughing. They keep me on my toes and looking forward to each day. I do realize that I will never understand boys... not when they are eight, nor twenty-eight. As my mom always says, "It's Mars and Venus."

Could this be any more true?

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