Last night, my family traveled to a nearby restaurant to grab dinner and share some laughs. Of course, we had to position ourselves so the guys could keep an eye on the U.S. Open... boys and their golf! As dinner rolled on, we began reminiscing about loved ones lost and present. We shared stories about my dad's parents. They were the kind of grandparents that would get on the floor and play, no questions asked. We were such lucky grandkids to have had them in our lives. We cracked jokes about cousins and laughed loudly at the unforgettable quotes that have imprinted our family's life. Once again, we are so lucky to have the relationships that we have built.
Another great thing about my dad is that he's smart. Like if I ever appeared on "Who Wants to be a Millionaire," I would use him as my phone-a-friend. I'm not sure if he really knows the answers to all of my questions, or if I just believe him because he's my dad. Either way, I listen intently.
My favorite things about my dad:
1. He loves sports. I am fortunate to have picked up on this from him. I think it's so important to stay active and participate in as much as possible. I learned this from my dad. He was always encouraging us to practice and participate. He modeled this to us throughout the years.
2. His ability to listen. Dad doesn't sugarcoat things. He says what he thinks because he cares. Some people may look at this as being negative, but really he is being realistic. I am more of an idealist, and I need someone to bring me down to 'real life.' My dad does this by listening and sharing his life experiences.
3. He helps me realize it will all be okay. Just his presence leaves me feeling more relaxed and comfortable. I feel safe when I'm with my dad.
4. He can't sing. It's obnoxious, but I love it.
5. He drinks way too much soda. It's so funny. Mello Yellow and Mt. Dew are staples in his diet, which is funny because he is fit - I'm not sure I would admit that to his face... it may go to his head ;-).
All in all, I love my dad. I am happy to be spending this weekend with him and my family. Off to the golf course!!
Blessed :-)
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