Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sleep Signals

We get very mixed signals about sleep. They tell us how important it is to get a full eight hours in each night. Most people hear this and laugh, because there just never seems to be enough time in the day to complete all of our tasks and have a little fun too. In fact, adolescents are supposed to get nine-ten hours a night. I highly doubt many teenagers put their head on the pillow much before ten or eleven.

This weekend I didn't get the significant amount of sleep. Sometimes you have to sacrifice sleep for fun and productivity. My problem is that I've never learned how to sleep in, so no matter how late I am up, my body wakes up far too early. I'm sure a few nights of early bed times and a couple naps will have me all caught up.

On the flip side of the recommended sleep time, we also hear, "The secret of life is getting up early. The secret of life is staying up late." Let's be honest, all of the fun happens late in the night. I know your parents tell you, "Nothing good happens after midnight." Well, they're wrong. That's when all the good talks happen, the funny dancing, the everlasting stories are developed late at night.

So, what do we do? Stay up late and sacrifice our beauty rest? Miss out on living a life past midnight? A little bit of both. That's always the answer.

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