Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sweatshirt Circulation

One day you wake up and realize that you have started collections of random things unknowingly. What am I talking about? Well, I never set out to have a collection of nail polish that exceeds seventy different shades. It was not my intention to acquire stacks of books ranging from young adult to self-help to American classics. Yes, sometimes these things just happen.

The other day I recognized another collection – sweatshirts. The girl I nanny for asked me the other day, “Do you just really like UNI or do you just have a lot of Panther sweatshirts?” My answer of course was “yes” to both. I started thinking about how many sweatshirts I own… and just possess. Because let’s get real, not all of the sweatshirts in my closet were my purchases. Sweatshirts are one piece of clothing that just seems to circulate more than others.

When I was student teaching, it was important for me to know all of the names of my students. I knew I didn’t want to be that teacher that made kids wear name tags or put up those silly name cards; however, it got to be a little bit difficult in the beginning. As many of you know, teenagers get hooded sweatshirts and t-shirts for every sport or activity they participate in. It’s actually quite ridiculous. They also tend to put their names on the back – maybe this is to help all of the moms keep them separate J You may think this would be a good help for teachers like me that are trying to learn all of the names of students, but you’re wrong. I found that more often than not they were wearing their friends’ and boyfriends’ sweatshirts before their own. Apparently it’s cool to switch them up? Ugh, just one more thing to add to the confusion of teenagers.

I sit here wearing a sweatshirt that I grabbed from my sister. And come to think of it, it could be her ex-boyfriend’s? It’s all a part of the sweatshirt circulation.

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