Tuesday, October 18, 2011

See Anna Floss.

I love clean teeth. I love mouth wash, toothpaste, floss, and toothpicks. All of this means that one of my favorite places is the dentist. Yes, I'm one of those weirdos. I love how they pick at your teeth, the foamy fluoride, and seeing my little teeth on X-rays.

I realize that people have a few issues with the dentist. I would love to help y'all out this morning. Here goes...

1. Where does my tongue go? Don't be afraid to move that sucker around. Remember these people are trained professionals, and they see millions of tongues per year. Don't feel self-conscious about your tongue. Just listen to the dental assistant. That person will never lead you astray ;-)

2. Why is she talking to me? I know that it's difficult to talk to someone who has their hands stuck in your mouth. However, think how long of a day it would be if you couldn't talk to anyone. Do that dental assistant a favor. Chat it up in between rinsing and spitting. You'll make that person's day.

3. What if I drool? You will. Get over it.

Finally, enjoy your experience. It's only twice a year that you am able to have a professional clean your teeth. The other 363, You're on your own.

If you haven't figured it out, today's the day I get to visit my dentist. In other words: See Anna Floss.

I will leave you with this. Enjoy.

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