Sunday, July 31, 2011

Jorts, Cargos, and Gel... Oh, My!

Alright, let's talk men's fashion. As I've mentioned before, my knowledge about fashion does not come from years of studying at a prestigious institute. It simply comes from common sense, clearly something that is hard to come by.

I would like to point out a few "no-nos" for men. If you dudes want a date, or to keep your dignity, you will listen and take notes.

Jorts. Not okay. These are jean shorts. Now, for toddlers and elementary school kids these things make sense. They are great to play in the mud and wade in the creek. However, adults should no longer be partaking in these activities, leaving jorts to be no longer an acceptable piece of clothing.

Looks like a dad coaching little league. Now, is that what you want to look like?

Cargos. I know it gets hot, and men need to air out their hairy calves. Cargo shorts are the way to go. There are plenty of colors for every man's individual taste. When these cargo shorts become cargo pants, we have a problem. It just looks plain silly. So stop it... please.

Maybe I can keep my lipgloss in his pockets??

Hair Gel. Last I checked, most men left their greasy hair back in middle school. However, not every man got the hint. A little bit of gel on a special occasion can really spruce up a hairdo, but when hair is drenched in gel it looks plain disgusting. Also, when hair hits a certain length the gel gets put back in the bathroom drawer until your barber gets ahold of your head.


I hope this helps boys. If all else fails, consult a female with style.

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