Friday, August 26, 2011

The Language of a Teacher

MAP testing (not a geography lesson). IPI Training (still trying to figure this one out). BLT meetings (not a delicious sandwich). Teachers love acronyms. I have been learning so many different passwords, codes, and shortened versions of about everything under the sun. I know they say you should never have the same password for more than one account, but my memory is fading by the second.

Acronyms have never been my thing. I completely understand the purpose of them; however, not everyone thinks on the same level. I remember a time in high school when I was driving along with some friends when we came across a yellow sign that read: DIP. In my brain, I was expecting an acronym. In everyone else’s mind, I looked like an idiot when I blurted out, “What’s ‘D’ ‘I’ ‘P’ stand for?” It was one of those moments when you are being so sincere, and you are so wrong. Just remember, my hair is no longer blonde, but I’m still allowed to have these moments.

I suppose I must get used to acronyms being a part of my life. After all, they are necessary when speaking the language of a teacher.  

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