Monday, August 29, 2011

Song Suicide

 So, you’re standing at the gas station in front of the fountain pop machine. What to get, what to get? If you were anywhere near the age of twelve, you’d go for them all. In other words, the infamous “suicide” soda. A hodge podge of sugary syrups don’t sound as appetizing as they did when I was in middle school.

The other morning, I heard a little “song suicide.” This is not a hodge podge of songs rolled into one. If you know anything about music, you know that is called a “remix.”

So what am I talking about? “Summer Girls” by LFO. I had forgotten all of the randomness that takes place in this song. Taking it all the way back to 1999, here’s a taste of the lyrics…

“New Kids on the Block had a bunch of hits. Chinese food makes me sick….” “When you take a sip, you buzz like a hornet. Billy Shakespeare wrote a whole bunch of sonnets….” “You love Fun Dip and Cherry Coke. I like the way you laugh when I tell a joke…”

It’s like the writers of this song sat down and thought, “What rhymes? Okay, let’s put them all in one song.” Like I said, a “song suicide.” I also love that he calls William Shakespeare, Billy.

LFO, I would love to “shake and wiggle to a hip hop song” with all three of you cutie patooties. 

1 comment:

  1. Too bad this will never be possible..Rich passed away a few months ago.. RIP.
