Monday, August 8, 2011

Suck It Up

I'm a lover of a quality coming-of-age story. So when Stand By Me was on TV yesterday, I couldn't pass it up. I'm a sucker for one-liners and "boys being boys."

Speaking of sucker, there is a scene in the movie where they boys are "farting around" in the creek. It doesn't take long before they are covered in leeches. It's impossible to watch without cringing. Yuck!

Lucky for all of you, I have a similar story. When I was young, my neighbor friends and I would go wading in Squaw Creek. We would make up stories and play pretend. The summer days would pass by quickly as our imaginations ran wild.

One hot summer day, Katherine, Lindsey and I were splashing around in the rocks to cool off. Our floral, pink suits were covered in dirt and mud. Moms understood it was impossible to stay clean down at the creek. So, it wasn't unusual to see three clumps of mud on my leg.

"Gross, Anna, there's mud all over you!" I responded by pushing of the mud from my leg... or so I thought. The darn stuff wouldn't come off. It was stuck.

That's when the screams started. Or should I say screeching. Sure enough, there were three leeches stuck to my leg. But don't you worry, I peeled those suckers right off one by one. Sometimes you've just got to learn to suck it up.

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