Thursday, November 17, 2011

Potty Control

When you’ve gotta go, you’ve gotta go. Coming from a person with a very small bladder, I totally understand. If I’m walking along and need to stop… like, now… I find the closest restroom and then I’m on my merry little way. But, what if it’s a Starbucks?

I ran across an article discussing how a few New York Starbucks shops are no longer open for business (pardon the pun, I just couldn’t help myself). That’s right. The bathrooms have been converted into employee-only facilities. This would be a terrible problem for me as I sipped on my skinny vanilla latte. Those babies fly right through me, if you know what I mean.

Their reasoning for closing the bathrooms is due to an overwhelming issue with loitering. The storeowners mention that people come in off the streets just to use the restroom facilities without purchasing anything. This, my friends, is just not right. What is the harm in purchasing a little scone to take on the road? Or how about a bag of fresh coffee beans to grind up the following morning? We can all use a little bit more coffee in our lives.

Perhaps this potty control is working for New Yorkers; however, I am pretty sure this wouldn’t fly with me in the Midwest. Never mind the fact that this seems highly unlawful. Can you really take away a potty from a coffee guzzling girl?

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