Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I'm Over Being a Hater

Happy Halloween hangover! I hope y’all have tons of sugar in your bellies! I actually had a pretty “normal” amount of candy yesterday. And by normal, I mean way too much. Typical Anna. Some day I may learn; however, I heard yesterday that people with a sweet tooth tend to have much sweeter personalities. Explains it all.

I have a confession. As of yesterday, I was Halloween Hater. I was the girl that glared as I passed Halloween Bootique in the mall. I was the girl that cringed at the sight of scary masks and witch hats. I even found myself hatin’ on little munchkins for dressing up like devils and princesses.

But I’m here to tell you, I’m done be a Halloween Hater. In fact, I’m even done being a costume party hater. I realized that I have no reason to hate Halloween. I have no reason to hate girls that dress up in skimpy outfits parading around the bars. I have no reason to hate guys wearing Scream masks and carrying around fake blood. Honestly, I don’t really care if people decide to dress up. Whatever floats your boat.

But I do have to make one point. Adults need to be very cautious about when they decide to partake in Halloween festivities. Moms: you don’t need to dress up to take your kids trick-or-treating. It’s weird. Teachers: no face paint or masks or weird little headbands. To the remaining adults: just because it’s Halloween doesn’t mean you have free range throw on a witch hat and act “spooky.” Not normal.

So maybe I have a little bit of Halloween hate still in me. I suppose there’s always next year. 

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