Thursday, November 24, 2011

Turkey Time

It’s that time of year again. Time to shovel turkey ‘n taters into our mouths. Time for backyard football games. Time for board games and Wii dance-offs. Yes, my friends, it’s Thanksgiving.

I really do love this time of year. It’s a great chance to see family and hear about how everyone is doing. I love the overabundance of noise and people; the laughter and smiles that fill the room.

Until we get crabby. It’s bound to happen. The festivities get to be too much for the little kiddos, which means bring on the tears and screaming matches. People get tired from being stuffed with buns and pies (nice visual, huh?). Pretty soon I want to through the buzzer from the Taboo game at my sister’s head. The nice part is, we are able to silently ride home; we are all too tired to discuss anything of importance.

All in all, this holiday is about remember what we are thankful for.

...teaching. I love waking up excited for the day, and knowing that each day will bring about new challenges and triumphs. It is such a humbling career, and I am thankful to be a part of it.

Happy Turkey Time!!

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