Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Small Town USA

By the end of school today, my brain was fried. I know I should have been starting next week's lesson plans, but I honestly couldn't even comprehend the paragraphs that were in front of me. The kids have been wired as they anticipate the upcoming long weekend. I'm just as excited as the next person, but I couldn't keep up with their energy levels today. 

Needless to say, I felt like I could have taken a nice long nap as I made my way home. I started feeling a little bit crabby because I was just ready to be home and relax. A lot of times I turn off the radio on the way home, which gives me a chance to think and enjoy the quiet. As I reached the "off" button, I heard Justin Moore's "Small Town USA." For some reason it was just the song I needed to hear to boost my mood. 

I teach in a very small district that many would say is in the middle of nowhere. It has taken some getting used to, but I find myself falling more in love with the slower pace and rural style. There is something to be said about the simplicity of country life. I grew up in a smaller community, and I remember everyone talking about getting out and moving on. We wanted so much to find something bigger... better, but the fact is, there is nothing wrong with the laid back lifestyle that tends to be the driving force behind smaller communities. Yes, everyone knows everyone. People are all connected in one way or another. I find comfort in this. It's as if you know that no matter what, someone is on your side, supporting you in one way or another. Plus, I looove country music.

Once again, I realized today that I am exactly where I need to be :-) 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Check Yourself

I've had a very low key weekend. I spent my Saturday watching football, grading papers, and cleaning. My Composition class turned in Persuasive Papers this past week. They spent nearly two weeks on them, so I wanted to make sure that I did my part to respond thoroughly. While it is a tedious job, I generally don't mind. It's interesting to see the ability levels and gage where they are as writers. It's not shocking to see that the students who asked questions understood the assignment and received better grades. Funny how that works out. 

Of course, I had plenty of time to surf around online yesterday too. I ran across 12 Things Happy People Do Differently. Why do I always find myself reading these random articles? At any rate, I thought it would be good share. I found myself doing a mental checklist. What would happen if more people focused on these ideas?

#1 Express gratitude. Well folks, with Thanksgiving just around the corner, now is the perfect time to share appreciation.

#2 Cultivate optimism. Have you ever tried simply smiling periodically throughout the day? Stop and think positive.

#3 Avoid over-thinking and social comparison. When your mind starts to wander to these thoughts, direct it back to something positive. 

#4 Practice acts of kindness. This can be so simple. Do it.

#5 Nurture social relationship. Friendships are important and worth the upkeep.

#6 Develop coping strategies. Have a plan set in place, so you are ready for anything life throws at you.

#7 Learn to forgive. Grudges and hate are ugly. Stay away.

#8 Increase flow experiences. This is when you learn to focus on the task at hand. It's important to shy away from distractions. Focus and be one with what is in front of you.

#9 Savor life's joys. Stop and soak them in.

#10 Commit yourself to your goals. "Magical things start happening when we commit ourselves to whatever it takes to get us somewhere." 

#11 Practice spirituality. Without Him, we have nothing.

#12 Take care of your body. This is the base for happiness and productivity. 

Have a happy week!

Friday, November 16, 2012


Growing up I never felt like I was extremely close with my family. Of course we loved one another very much, but I had a hard time opening up to my parents and my brother. My sister is eight years younger than me, so I often sheltered her from certain life experiences. There were times that we distanced ourselves from one another, mostly due to personal issues; however, somewhere along the way, we have become closer than ever. 

I had a conversation today with someone that looked tired and mentioned repeated sleepless nights. I asked, trying not to pry, what was going on. The answer was simple: "family stuff." Haven't we all been there? Family is such a complex unit. They are the people that we turn to in the midst of hardships, contentment, anxiety, and the list goes on. My family members are the easiest to yell at, the first people I call with good news, and the ones I will forever turn to for help. 

Earlier this week, my sister texted me about how wonderful our parents are. With all of the struggles happening in my life, I was 100% in agreement with her statement. I'm sure my parents would fall to the floor if she shared this with them, but in time she will. I was so happy to see her adjusting and appreciating how fortunate our family truly is. 

As the holidays approach, family becomes the center of so many people's lives. Traditions are shared. Memories are made. It also tends to be a time of hurt and loneliness. I hope that during these low times, we all remember how fortunate we really are. 

In the movie Lilo and Stitch, the repeated quote is: "Ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind." Now, who could say it any better than that? 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

On My Own

As the saying goes, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." This is a proactive approach when dealing with struggles and hardships; however, how many of us live by this? Truth be told, my saying would actually go something like this: "When the going gets tough, hide under a blanket and avoid people." Please tell me I'm not the only one that does this. I realize it's not mature or responsible of me, but I'd like to think the problems will just evaporate into thin air as I tuck my head into my down feather pillow.

I've been learning the hard way about a few struggles in my life. I won't go into detail, but I am finally recognizing the importance of asking for help and proactively changing aspects of my life. Changes are occurring by the second. Some we can control, while others are far out of our reach. Some are taking place within, and others we must learn to seek assistance from others in order to cope and become better.

Asking for help. Why is this such a difficult concept for me to grasp? It takes a lot of strength to ask for help, but for some reason I continue to view it as a weakness. Sometimes my hands are tied together and I still try to unwrap them on my own. I find myself looking more foolish and ridiculous tackling tasks that are too big for me. Some day I will learn that I am not only my own. In fact, I have a lot of people in my life that are on my side.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

What to Wear

Not too long ago, one of my students asked, "Is your second job shopping? Because you never wear the same clothes twice." This may sound pathetic, but the comment actually made my day. Maybe it wasn't even meant to be a compliment, but I surely took it as one. For the record (Mom), I have worn my outfits more than once.

Days later, I was having a conversation with one of my classes about how I generally plan out Sunday night what I will wear each day of the following week. Crazy? Perhaps, but I just like to know what clothes need to be clean and when. Obviously, I change my mind all of the time. It's not like I write it out in my planner. I just find comfort knowing all of my ducks are in a row.

In high school, many of my friends and I would plan to wear "sweats" on Wednesdays. I use that term loosely because we were all showered with hair and makeup in place. Most of the time we wore yoga pants and cute sweatshirts, so we hardly looked "dressed down." Of course, Fridays were set aside for "Friday outfits." For some reason we wanted to look the best at the end of the week. Dressing to impress the same kids we saw every other day of the week may have been silly, but our moods were boosted as we sported those "Friday outfits."

This afternoon I texted one of my friends asking if it was time to start thinking about the weekend. I mean, it is almost Wednesday. After making tentative plans with a few friends, I ran across an article on MSN about how women have their Saturday night outfits planned by Wednesday afternoon. I about died... how funny! Apparently I'm not the only person out their thoughtfully considering what I'll slip into this weekend... even if it is lounge wear for a movie night.

I realize by writing this I seem a tad shallow, and maybe even pathetic, but I don't really care. The fact is, I'm not alone. Will you at least just humor me into thinking I'm not alone on this issue?

I bet y'all are thinking about what you are wearing to work tomorrow right now ;-)

Monday, November 12, 2012


Often I find myself searching for inspiration. I feel uneasy, so I start reading articles or books that may have some sort of an "answer" for those unsettling feelings. There are times that I fall short. Other times I find that "nugget" that pulls me away from a rotten feeling. Tonight, as I bounced around online, I came across "4 Ways to Have Contentment." Boy, was I in need of these comforting words.

Here are some of my thoughts:

1. We can have contentment by trusting that God will provide whatever is necessary. The word "trust" continues to pop up as I study, read, listen... it is all over. The article mentions that there are over 6,000 promises in the Bible that are ours to claim. So, why do we habitually try to take our lives into our own hands? We push God away. This is silly because He is the only one that knows what is necessary in our lives. Trust Him.

2. We can have contentment by shifting our emphasis to what God has given us rather than what we lack. Just has Adam and Eve were tempted by the tree of knowledge of good and evil, we continue to want what we don't have. We focus on what we lack, rather than trusting that God has given us exactly what we need at this point in our lives.

3. We can have contentment by acknowledging the face that we deserve much less than what God has already given us. I am so fortunate. I have been blessed with more than I will ever deserve. I continue to sin, yet I have been given family, friends, a job, a home with clean water. This is only the beginning of the uncountable blessings given to me by Him.

4. We have contentment by believing that what God has withheld is actually no good. Sometimes unanswered prayers are hard to wrap our human minds around; however, His plan is much greater than anything we can imagine.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Together As One

I was in bed long before the announcement of Obama winning the latest election. It was kind of strange because I had a very restless night of sleep. I may have actually been checking my phone in my sleep to see the results. Then, of course, there was a text from my sister, "OBAMA!" I have to say, I'm quite relieved. There was a little bit more unrest and uncertainty for the field of education with Mitt Romney. This morning, I watched Obama's speech. I got goosebumps and shed a few tears (What? I'm a softy). America is really an amazing nation.

Facebook and Twitter were dominated by people's political views over the past few days. It was starting to get a little overwhelming, but it made me start to think about what the next four years has in store. If people are so divided during an election, will they be able to come together to make the nation the best it can be? I truly believe that doing so is also a part of our duty as Americans. Being kind and respectful is more important than sharing our opinions. I hope we call all come together as one and realize that each voice not only counts, but it matters.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

I've always been a lover of movies. Whether it's going to a Sunday matinee or renting from Redbox, I enjoy immersing myself in the lives of characters. I've caught some slack for going to movies by myself, but for some reason I find great joy in being alone as I sip on a fountain pop in the often chilly theatre seats.

Since I had last Friday off, I decided to catch a matinee before hanging out with some friends. As I scrolled through the movie options, The Perks of Being a Wallflower was my first choice. It is based on the book written by Stephen Chosky. While many movies don't live up to the book, I was impressed with the actors and the overall depiction of the story. I had forgotten about all of the great lines that surface while reading the novel. I was so glad that I went and was able to refresh my memory...

If only for a moment...

Life is always moving... hold on.

So true.

I want to watch it again. So good.

Monday, November 5, 2012


I was reminded today of the importance of flexibility. I'm not talking about the slightly awkward stretches in pilates; however, who doesn't love turning into a pretzel?

No, I am talking about the ability to go with the flow and adapt according to the situation at hand. After a solid nine hours of sleep Sunday night, I was ready to tackle the week. Before leaving school last week, I was sure to have this week's lesson plans set so I would be free of homework. By the time second period rolled around, I realized that the story I was teaching was no where to be found. Sure enough, I had overlooked the note that said, "Print pdf and copy." Whoopsie daisy. As I went to print, the printer was "busy." Whatever that means. At any rate, my lesson plans were shot.

After joking with my students about how I had just wasted 46 minutes of their lives, they assured me that it was okay (of course... they were about to gossip about the events of the weekend... shysters). In a last-ditch effort, I had the kids do a quick writing including a "butterfly effect" (I swear this is relevant in my lesson). It wasn't the most effective assignment, but at least I can say they did something... well, kinda.

As I drove home today, I started thinking about the notion of flexibility. I was reminded of my time in Haiti. It was more than necessary to be flexible the days we were without water or as the tentative schedule happened to change. Making plans is important, but adjusting is vital. Over plan and go with the flow. This has become the story of my life as a teacher.

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. 
It is the one that is most adaptable the change." - Charles Darwin

Sunday, November 4, 2012


First of all, I'm alive. I feel off the map for a while, mostly because I wasn't feeling creative or real motivated to write. I realize much of my "life material" has been lacking. My days consist of teaching, which spills into many of my evenings. I have been doing a pretty good job of getting my work done at school so I can rest and relax at night; however, as I've mentioned before, my mind stays on school most of the time. With that said, as much as I want to write about the issues that arise while teaching, I know that it's not always professional to do so. I am really hoping my creative juices perk up because I miss writing.

As for today, I am lounging around and enjoying the last hours of the weekend. I was talking to a friend about Sundays. I definitely have a love/hate relationship with this day of the week. I realize it is supposed to be the day of rest. For me, I have fallen into the routine of attending church, followed by grocery shopping and a movie. I love running errands and getting myself prepared for the week, but sometime around mid-afternoon I start to feel uneasy. It may be because I begin to feel anxious about the upcoming week. I used to spend Sundays with friends and family. While I have the option of doing that now, I often find myself alone on Sundays. Sometimes it's nice to not answer my phone and submerge myself in the thoughts floating in my brain, but that often leaves me worrisome and anxious. I just need to find a balance where I feel okay with myself.

I will admit that I am perfectly content being alone today. I am not interested in talking to anyone. I will get around to taking the trash out when I feel like it. I have no issue wearing sweats and slipping on my glasses as I sink into my couch for another Lifetime movie.

My thoughts exactly today.
I'm gearing up for another week. It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away. I'm getting excited to spend some time with my family! Take care.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

The "Issues"

This past week I sent in my application to receive my absentee ballot (better late then never?) I have always believed that it is my civic duty to voice my opinion in elections. I had a teacher in high school that told us, "Always recycle and vote." We would all kind of laughed about it; however, we all knew she was serious... and right.

I was asking my senior students (those that are 18, of course) if they were planning on voting in the upcoming election. While there were few that plan on participating, many of them pulled out the worn-out excuses: "I don't like either of the candidates." "I don't know enough about what is going on to vote." "What's the point? My vote doesn't matter."

I started to become discouraged when I remembered that I used to say the same things. I used to believe that my voice didn't matter. While I am only one person, I am still a part of the American population. It is important that I utilize my right.

Yes, politics are confusing. No, I do not fully understand the terminology and issues that are discussed. To be honest, much of it doesn't really interest me. This does not mean that I am a shallow person, only that I am not engulfed in the technicalities of the upcoming election.

With that said, I am informed on the issues that matter to me. I know that foreign policy effects me; however, I am more directly touched by issues of education. I have researched where each candidate stands when it comes to No Child Left Behind, vouchers, and standardized testing. I am interested in lowing student loans and other aspects of higher education. These issues matter most to me, so I do my best to read and study to know that I am making the right decision in the voting booth for me and my future.

I guess my point is, get informed. You don't have to be an expert, but it is your duty and right to have an opinion and vote.

Friday, October 19, 2012


I made it to the end of the week. Around Tuesday and Wednesday I was skeptical that I would survive the week; however, after a rowdy pep rally, I was on my way out the door.

After a couple of busy weekends, I knew come Monday that I would need a weekend of nothingness. Yes, I planned this weekend out before the week had even started, which probably added to my anxiety and poor mood this week. I was not in the mood for really anything, leaving me to just "get by" in all aspects of my life. While teaching, I felt like I was lacking strength to pull together effective lessons. As I got home, I realized I didn't feel like doing much beside lounging and catching up on "The Real Housewives." There's really nothing better than popcorn and educational television. The added stress of personal issues did not help the situation. Did I mention it was cloudy and rainy most of the week? I am powered by sunlight, and this was not a good way to start my days. 

Enough of all that. I am happy to say that I am contently watching my second movie of the night. I have completed two loads of laundry and have a fresh coat of nail polish on my fingers and toes. I am looking forward to a good night's rest and some fun with family and friends tomorrow. I just want to say for the 78th time today: "TGIF!!!"

Happy weekend, peeps!

P.S. I didn't feel like proofreading. Back to my movie :-)

Monday, October 15, 2012


I celebrated my 27th birthday this past weekend. To be honest, I have mixed feelings about my age. Every once in a while I get a little anxious about growing older. It has taken me a bit longer than expected to "come in to my own." It may be hard to believe, but going back to school and the transitioning that came along with it was not my initial plan. Yes, I still wrestle with regret and heartache. Upon reflection, there are still times that haunt me. I comfort myself by remembering that it has all helped shape and strengthen me.

I am still learning to stand on my own two feet. I realize now, more than ever, that I needed to weather a storm or two in order to fully appreciate my self-worth. There are very few things that I take for granted. With each struggle that presents itself, I am confident that I will be able to tackle the situation with grace and optimism.

I ran across an article titled "20 Things That Will Make Your 20s Even Better." Y'all know me... I clicked, and instantly I was scrolling and nodding my head. Here are a few of my favorites:

* Acknowledge moments of happiness and be grateful for them.
* Make a point to spend more time with your friends and family in person.
* Don't let your mood or your self-worth be directly tied to your bank account balance. Money is important, but it is not everything.
* Never forget that while you are getting older, your parents are too. Spend time with them and always say, "I love you."
* Get a library card and use it. Time spent nourishing your mind and soul is never wasted time.
* Find an activity you love to do that is good for your body.
* Educate yourself in politics. You don't need to be an expert if you don't want to, but you should know how you feel about big issues.
* Don't be scared to fall in love, but remember to fall in love with yourself first.
* Walk away from relationships where you are treated like an option and not a priority.
* Always be kinder than you feel like being. You never know what other people are going through.
* Let go of the need to rush through life When we are young, all we want is to be older. Pretty soon, we're going to be wishing to be young again.

Just what I needed to read.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Pep Talk

Monday left me feeling discouraged and lacking confidence. I felt like I was being tested, and I was unable to really figure out how to address the situations that were presented to me. Luckily, I have a lot of wonderful and supportive co-workers, family, and friends. I was offered advice that boosted my confidence. 

Every once it a while there are a few things that I need to remind myself:

1. I am qualified and know what I am doing. It's almost as if I start believe that my students are smarter than me. Yes, many of them are very bright; however, I am the certified teacher.  During my student teaching, I had a mentor tell me to never forget that I am a smart, trained professional. 

2. It is my classroom. There are a lot of different ways to do things. I respect what other teachers do in their own classrooms; however, that doesn't mean it will work for me. I am in charge of what I teach. Yes, there are certain standards that I must meet, but I am able to teach them in a way that makes me feel comfortable. 

3. Each student matters. It is so easy to teach to studious students. I was reminded today that a monkey can teach those students; however, reaching the more challenged students is where the work resides. "We do not get to pick and choose our students." No matter the background or academic capability of a student, they deserve my best. 

"You've gotta take the students that the school gives you and do the best you can."  

The short pep talks I have heard over the past few days are enough to motivate me... at least until the weekend :-)

Sunday, October 7, 2012

It's a Colorful Life

Can we start the weekend over? I would just looove to experience it all again! The lack of sleep will probably hit me this week, but the amount of fun was totally worth it.

Friday night I hit up a sports bar that I hadn't been to in way too long. I met up with a couple different groups of friends, which not only makes you feel good, but it was great to laugh and chat. I really missed the atmosphere and the company, so I wasn't regretting the lack of sleep when Saturday morning arrived.

Saturday was full of activities. I feel like I exercised the entire day, which is why my legs are jello today. My family came down to watch my sister and me participate in The Color Run. For those of you who don't know, The Color Run is a 5k that has been traveling around the country. You come dressed in white, and at every kilometer they spray you with a blast of a different color. It's a leisurely run for people of all ages and abilities. Honestly, it's just a huge party with dancing and colorful dust everywhere. It was AWESOME! The turn out was incredible. It ended up being the largest 5k in the country, which gives me goosebumps. I ran beside my best friend, Katherine, and her husband, Adam. We had a blast together getting blasted with color :-)

Last night, I went out with my brother and a ton of friends. I guess I couldn't stop moving because I ended up dancing most of the night. In short, I am loving my life right now. I can't stop smiling today :-)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Let It Be

As I drove home today, I couldn't help but realize how at peace I felt. Last week, I felt like a total fruit-loop. I was crabby and unsettled. The lack of sleep from a ticking mind truly impacted each moment of my days. I am happy to say that this week was a complete 180. School has gone so much smoother, and for some reason, I feel much more comfortable in my own skin. Sometimes it just takes a conversation with a friend or a change of heart to really put things into perspective. I am definitely much more at ease.

My grandpa sent me an email the other day which included, "God already knows everything about you and the situation. He's not asking your permission to proceed; rather, He is calling you to move forward with faith and obedience. He didn't make an error in choosing you for the task, but you will make a huge mistake if you refuse to do it."

I realized I was feeling on-edge last week because I was loosing confidence in myself, not only as a teacher, but in all aspects of my life. I started to pressure myself. I was bumming myself out about things I had no control over. Questioning and over-thinking was beginning to make me anxious. As I get older, I find this happens a lot around my birthday.

I used to find myself living in the past, leading me to regret and discouragement. I learned how to forgive and more forward. Now I struggle with living in the future. I forget who is in control, and I worry my little heart out. I need to remember to live for each day. In order to find peace and enjoyment in life, there are some things that I just need to let be.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

School Picture Day

Tomorrow is school picture day. I have yet to lay out my outfit on the foot of my bed, but I'm sure I will get something worked out before I head out the door tomorrow morning. My mom suggested that I practice my smile in front of the mirror this evening. That will not be happening.

I don't know why I used to get so anxious over school pictures. I always packed a comb and  travel-size hairspray in my backpack in order to "primp" right before the snapshot. As I got older, my makeup bag was in hand along with my cold lunch and Algebra textbook. It would have been the end of the world if I couldn't reapply bronzer and mascara before entering the bright lights of the infamous large camera.

If I were to lay out all of my school pictures, you would see the aging process quite definitely. You would see my hair transformation, as I tried to grow out my bangs and eventually start adding highlights. You would also be privileged to see that my "awkward stage" lasted from 5th grade until my junior year. That, my friends, takes talent.

Tomorrow I will be sure to throw on my best blouse and smile from ear-to-ear. My fingers will be crossed in hopes that my school picture will not turn out like any of these:

Sunday, September 30, 2012


I had an interesting conversation this weekend about confidence and intimidation. While one of my good friends suggested, "Confidence is the best accessory," I began to question the idea. Women are encouraged to be articulate, independent, strong, and accomplished; however, it is often a double standard. We are also conditioned to be silent, take up less physical space, and "play by the rules."

So, I started questioning where I fit into the mix. While I have a lot of growing to do, I believe that I am pretty secure. I know what I deserve; I am confident in myself. It took a long time of living in limbo, but I am finally in a profession that fulfills me and that I care very deeply about. Could this be intimidating? Or does it make me seem confident? 

I also got to thinking about my growing faith. While I by no means push my Christianity onto others, I do not shy away from sharing it and being a light to those around me. No, I am not perfect, and I will never try to be. I am simply secure with my faith and proud of myself for it.

Of course, people are also intimidated by looks, intelligence, and shy or outgoing people. The fact is, we are all so very different. Personalities clash while others mesh together perfectly. We just have to learn to exist and be kind to one another - no matter how alike or different we are. 

"I'll show you intimidation."

If this post seems random and weird it's because I have no idea what happened the last 72 hours of my life. How can I still be this drained and tired after a weekend? I need a lot of strength to get me through another week. Bring. It. On.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Boys of Fall

"What are you doing today?" The answer is simple: It's Saturday and it's fall; therefore, my TV is set to College Gameday from 10 a.m. until my I lay my head on the pillow tonight. I'll be honest, there are very few times that I actually watch an entire game. The best part is, I don't need to. Growing up, the background noises in the fall consisted of cheering crowds and yelling from my dad and brother when the referees made a less than pleasing call. Burning leaves and the smell of chili filled our home as we relaxed and enjoyed a sport we have all grown to love.

Last night I sat through a high school football game, and I couldn't help but smile as I enjoyed the company of my coworkers and the occasional chat with a student. I felt at home as we all shared stories and cheered on our "boys of fall." Luckily, we crushed the other team pretty effortlessly :-)

A few weekends ago, I was invited to my brother's place for the weekend to enjoy some tailgating and a UNI vs. Iowa football game. Mike is oddly obsessed with Hawkeye football, and I felt so privileged to share the weekend with him. While the Hawks did beat my Panthers, I was able to shake it off and continue on having a great time with my brother and friends. The sense of pride people have towards "their team" is so cool. I am not very competitive, but I do think it is important to have pride in where you come from. It represents who we are as people and as a community. There is just something about slipping on your teams colors on a Saturday morning.

Go Panthers!!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thoughts on a Thursday

Pay attention to their stories.

It only takes one.


Take chances.

Never settle.


Listen to yourself.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Change of Perspective

After a long day, I found myself driving home with a bad attitude. I am feeling a bit discouraged about a few things at school, and it is so easy to jump on the "Negative Nancy" bandwagon. While I shared my concerns with a few good friends, I realized that I needed to change my attitude. I simply need to make the best out of the situations I have been given. While strolling through Pinterest, I came across this:

It is never a bad time to be reminded to take on a new perspective. Instead of dwelling on what is not going right, I need to refocus on all of the positive aspects of my life.

Long day = falling asleep on my couch while watching "Modern Family." Goodnight blogging buddies :-)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Gal Pals

I got off the phone with a girlfriend the other evening. We had a serious venting session based on various topics. Honestly, I'm not even sure either one of us cared what we were talking about; we simply wanted to complain and swear. It's not that we are crabby gals, but we just needed to get a little bit of that garbage out in the open. Sometimes after a bitch-session I feel guilty; however, it was refreshing. Even if my friend didn't agree with me, she was on-board with everything I was saying. It's kind of like turning to a friend and saying, "Who are we mad at today?" Good friends are always on your side (I suppose there could be an exception or two).

On my way home today, I felt like talking to someone. I realized that the person that would really understand my mood was busy. I got to thinking about all of my close girlfriends. They all serve a different purpose in my life.

There's the gal pal I call if I need to clear my head and forget about everything. We often go out to a sports bar or even dancing. She's the girl that always wants to laugh and have a good time. There's nothing better than cutting loose and belly laughter!

I also have my teacher friends. They understand the ins and outs of the school system. We vent and share stories of our students (in confidence, of course). We send and receive loads of advice from one another. There is no way I could live without these girlies.

My heart-to-heart best friend. She is the one that knows me better than I know myself. She knows when to give advice and when to let me learn and grow on my own. She listens, loves, and cares more than I deserve. I don't know what I would ever do without this very special, life-long friend.

Of course there are the shopping buddies, the workout friends, my accountabilities buddies, and the list goes on. I find many of my girlfriends placed in every category of my life. I am very fortunate and blessed to be surrounding with so many wonderful, beautiful gal pals :-)

Monday, September 24, 2012

Gangnam Style

I don't know why I'm surprised, but Ellen has done it again. It never fails that she continues to make me laugh with her sarcasm and exceptional guests. I love my mom, but I don't think she does anything like this mom. Enjoy :-)

Tell me you aren't loving life right now!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

My Forbidden Territory

There is one room in my apartment that will never agree with me. The kitchen. I don't know what it is, but I tend to burn, overcook, undercook, and basically destroy any attempted dish. This morning I wanted to make a two-ingredient pancake, a recipe that I read on a blog. It turned out a big pile of mush, and I'm pretty sure I ate raw eggs for breakfast.

After a refreshing hike/jog at a nearby state park this afternoon, I was feeling the need for a little snack. The chocolate and ice cream that I was craving was no where to be found, so I opted for some popcorn. As I proceeded to open the bag, I found half of the burnt to a crisp. I can't think of much worse than the smell of burnt popcorn floating through the air. Ugh.

Looks like I'll be feasting on cereal, turkey sandwiches, and soup for the rest of my life. I don't think I can screw those up too badly.

Ahhh... exactly.
Boy am I glad I picked up some sushi from Trader Joe's this afternoon. At least I have some supper to look forward to :-)

Friday, September 21, 2012

Pajama Kind of Weekend

Happy weekend!! And when I say happy, I mean HaPpY! After a week of feeling under the weather, I was so excited to hear that final bell at school today. Don't get me wrong, we had a good day; however, they were just as happy to see me cruise away in my Malibu as I was to watch the yellow buses file towards the county roads.

I am looking forward to a weekend full of movies, pajamas, and chats with friends and family. I am in some definite need of R&R. Of course, school work will seep its way into my weekend plans. I was just too weak this week to work ahead like I generally like to do.

After school, I hoped in my car to head north to my hometown. I was excited to throw on my sweatpants and enjoy some chocolate with my mom. I don't know how it happens, but we always manage to talk each other into needed sweets for our bellies. Those darn M&Ms - my weakness! I am so excited to teacher talk and vent to my mom; she's good for that ;-)

I was snooping around on the internet (another weakness of mine), and I found these babies:

Um... where can I find me a pair?!? Don't they look amazing? Do you think they would fit in to my school's dress code?

Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is a gigantic pair of pink pajamas.

Your favorite English teacher,

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Happy vs. Broken Heart

The other day, I heard a debate about whether or not college is worth the investment. With the amount of debt that students are left with, many argue that it is too much of a financial burden. While I am all for higher education, it did get me thinking about college curriculum and how prepared students leave after graduation. I am a HUGE advocate for many types of education. The liberal arts core, partnered with major courses, stretch the minds of students; they are the basic foundation for all of the learning that will continue throughout life. As a college student, I not only grew in my education, but this was the most important time for me to develop as a person. I learned how to respect others, the importance of healthy relationships, and matured in my faith and morals.

On the contrary, I do remember taking courses and thinking, "How is this going to make me a better teacher?" The aspects of teaching that scared me the most could not be taught in a 3 hour college course. Even during student teaching, I was unable to really piece it all together. Classroom management, dealing with parents, grading, and building relationships with students were things that I had to learn (and will continue to learn) in my own classroom. Professors, administrators, teachers, and even friends can tell you about teaching, but you simply have to figure it out according to your own experiences.

I have found this to be very true over the past month and a half. I remember teacher friends telling me about struggles - problem students, upsetting grades; however, this really didn't hit me until recently. They say you can't take the lives of your students home with you, but it is impossible. My rides home are generally filled with one of two feelings: a happy heart or a broken heart. So many wonderful teachable moments are occurring each day - lessons go off without a hitch, kids make me laugh with their goofy sayings, or I am overly impressed with an essay. But what really weighs on me is learning about the home-life of some students. There are so many people that are much less fortunate that me. I am beginning to learn that it is not my fault, so it doesn't help to feel bad for them. The only thing I can do is make that person feel important for the 42 minutes they sit in my classroom. A safe environment is what I have control over, and it is what I will strive for each day.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Worn. Out.

Monday night, I was laying on the couch trying to catch up on "The Real Housewives of NYC" when it hit me. I suddenly felt weak, cold, and achy. I pretended like I was fine. I focused in on my trashy Bravo television and made my way to bed at a decent hour. I woke up only a few times throughout the night to the feeling of a scratchy throat. Again, I ignored and continued about my routine on Tuesday.

It wasn't until 7th hour when someone mentioned that I didn't look, nor was I acting, like myself. "Ms. Nelson, you look like you don't feel well and don't want to be here." Ding, ding, ding! Can we get a prize for the senior in the front row?

As I drove home from school, I confessed to myself: "Anna, you are worn out. Face the facts." I got to thinking about the chaos of the weekend and the lack of routine. I have been going at a much faster pace lately. Part of me loves this; however, part of me is wishing for the weekend. I plan on doing some serious relaxing all weekend. Oh, I can just taste the R&R that is making it's way to me. Thankfully, each moment this draws closer and closer to becoming my reality.

how I look.

how I feel.
 Get this girl some meds and a bed.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Lyric Love

We all have a song that, no matter where we are, sings to us. The lyrics dance off the page. The melody sings straight into our hearts. Brian Littrell's "In Christ Alone" always reminds me of what my faith is all about; it grounds me as a Christian. I want to share message with you today.


Monday, September 17, 2012

An Early Halloween

I consider myself to being a pretty modest dresser, not just because I am a teacher, but because I am a respectable human being. I try not to look like a nun; however, you will probably never see me parading around braless or in cheekie shorts. It's just not my thing...

At school, we have this thing called a dress code. I know it's hard to believe, but many of the students try to bend the rules. You know, a spaghetti strap here, a ripped up pair of jeans there. Let's just say, it can get a little out of control at times. Recently, the issue is focused on the length of shorts. To be honest, this does not really bother me, mostly because I realize how hard it is to find shorts that are the "appropriate" length. You step into Hollister or American Eagle and it's nearly impossible to find shorts with longer than 2 inch inseams.

Where I do have a problem is on the top half. Like, cover those girls up! I cannot believe the amount of cleavage making it's way up and down the halls. I guess the girls don't feel uncomfortable, but I am beginning to wonder if they have forgotten about their male teachers. If I feel weird, then I can't imagine how they are feeling.

This weekend I was in Iowa City tailgating with my brother and watching my Panthers. After the game, we made our way downtown, and it was like an early Halloween. Girls were wearing... well, not much. I couldn't stop staring. Like... I don't even have words right now.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

I'm going to throw on an oversized sweater and baggy sweatpants... goodbye.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Making Time

Life is full of meetings, activities, obligations, and commitments. People will forever complain of being overworked and "too busy." I must say, I grow tired of this. Maybe it is because I consider myself very good at time management, or maybe I am just simply bored with all of the complaining.

I'm beginning to believe that much of this is just people looking for excuses to pick and choose what they spend their time doing. I can't say that there is really anything wrong with this; however, somewhere along they way we have lost the importance of honesty. The fact is, we make time for those people and activities that mean the most to us. If I want to do something - spend time with someone - then I make time. Fact.

Make time for those you love.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Never Underestimate

When taking on any new job, you hear a lot of buzzing in your ear. "So-in-so always does this." "They are really not good at that." "Watch out for that group." It's hard not to take all of the information to heart. I mean, don't the veterans know all ins and outs of the place?

I was cautioned early on to pick and choose the information that I would receive throughout my first year of teaching. I am beginning to figure out exactly why. The fact is, my classroom should be ran my way. I am the one in charge as soon as my students enter the often chaotic learning space I have created. I remember being told during my student teaching that I am the only one living in my brain, so it makes no sense to try and teach someone else's curriculum. I shouldn't try and act or discipline like anyone else but myself.

I also see this reflected in how I view my students. First impressions are very critical; however, sometimes it doesn't take long to change a person's mind. Just as my students have labeled me, I have categorized them by ability, background, and appearance. Sorry to say it folks, but I'm human. With that being said, I am feeling very humbled this evening as I realize I have been mistaken.

I began reading through my first batch of Composition papers. I had heard rumors of "bad grammar" and "bad writers." Due to these thoughts planted in my head, I was ready to be slightly disappointed. While I have only read a few papers, I am happy to say that I was wrong to assume. I have already gotten goosebumps from the topics and writing style of some of my students. I literally thought to myself: pinch me; I am living out my dream. I love editing, and my red pen has been known to get a little too happy as it glides across student papers. However, I did not feel frustrated or compelled to mark up these papers. I was much more interested in listening to the story behind the words. I have been reminded how important it is to never underestimate anyone, especially the voices of my students.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Teacher's Holy Ground

I've been in a few teacher's lounges in my day. I remember growing up a teacher's kid and having access to the copy machine, three-hole punch, and more shades of construction paper than you could dream of. I didn't abuse my "power" as a teacher's kid, but I do remember a time when I stapled my finger... what can I say? I was a bright child.

When I began my journey towards becoming an English teacher, I found myself viewing the teacher's lounge a little bit differently. It is now the center for chocolatey treats and "adult discussions." Hey, sometimes you just have to get away from high school drama and chats about the school dress code. However, there are many conversations about students take place in these little rooms. That's right, we just can't get enough of the kiddos. It's hard not to slip in a few comments about students while we snarf down our sandwiches and diet soda, because we all know that teachers are generally allowed 20 minutes to eat, check their email, and slip in and out of the bathroom.

You may ask, what else happens in there? Well, it's pretty thrilling, let me tell ya. There is this machine we call the "copier" where rubrics and worksheets make their way from the "hot press" to the paws of our students. And, of course, there are mailboxes full of teacher junk mail. You thought that you only received that stuff at home... well, you have been mistaken. I throw away more magazines and "Letters to the Drama Teacher" than you can imagine. The best part of my current teacher's lounge: a pop machine with cans for only 50 cents. Yes, they do still exist.

So, students, if you try to peak into the teacher's holy ground, do so cautiously. For this is the place where teachers get crazy as they sip on Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi and cackle about the latest gossip. 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sunny Sunday

Yesterday was full of football, football, and some more football. I supported my Panthers, and was slightly to see that I was the only girl wearing purple and gold. The way I see it, you can't be a loser if you're a Panther; no one is ever mad at UNI fans ;-)

This morning I woke up ready to tackle the day. It's sunny and cheerful, and I am looking forward to a day of productivity. I love being a morning person. I had a roommate that would joke about how I would get more done before 11 a.m. than she would then entire day. Well, that's just how I roll :-)

I was feeling a little bit bummed out on Friday night, and then I came across this:

Just a little reminder for us all. Enjoy your Sunday!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Homecoming Hangover

No, I haven't woken up this morning with a pounding headache due to an excess of seasonal beer and flavored rum. I don't feel woosey or light-headed. After all of the Homecoming festivities, I am simply tired.

This week, my school celebrated a week of dress-up days, "Saber Games," and of course, the big game last night. While I am still learning about my school, I am noticing a lot of differences among places I substitute taught, student taught, and my alma mater. I am careful not to judge, only recognizing that schools run differently according to tradition, abilities, and personalities. The suburban school, only a short hour away, is packed to the brim with students, while my school struggles for enrollment. I am learning so much each day, and this year's Homecoming experience was not any different.

Growing up, Homecoming was the focal point of the fall. Dress-up days consisted of wild outfits full of togas, nerdy suspenders, and spirit day, where red and black colored the school. Powder Puff games and bonfires filled our weeknight activities. We looked forward to coronation and the football game. We wrapped up a week of fun by dancing our booties off to "Who Let the Dogs Out."

My senior year Powder Puff game... don't ask why I have this picture ;-)

Innocent fun. Innocent fun that seems to be lacking today. I was sad to see that Homecoming just isn't what it used to be. There were few kids showing their school spirit by dressing up wacky. Apparently they were "too cool"... lame; however, there was one tradition that I was able to participate in... "Kiss the Animal." Guess what the animal was this year? A donkey. Yes, I kissed an ass.

I am happy to report that the weather cooperated last night. It was perfect football weather for a Saber victory! I sat among parents, students, teachers, and alumni to watch the boys play 8-man football. Yes, schools still play this condensed version of what we watch on TV. I actually really enjoyed learning about it, even though it isn't much different from what we are used to seeing.

At any rate, I am tired today. The only problem is: you can't be tired when Iowa plays Iowa State in football. Welp, time to cheer on the Hawks Cyclones Panthers!!!

Monday, September 3, 2012

No Labor in Charleston

What a great weekend full of all things good! I can hardly believe that just two days ago I was laying on the beach and wedding dancing. I had an amazing time with friends, and I realized that the best way for me to share this with y'all is through photos. Enjoy!

Katherine and I doing some beach bummin'!!

Heading to the reception in Charleston.

Katherine and I were pretty positive that Paula Deen would arrive at some point... she didn't.

My best friend in the entire would ;-)

Ashley and the Strawberry Point crew. 

Oh, just tearing up the dance floor.

H-D gals!

Hanging with the pretty bride!

Me and Cale :-)

Way too much fun with these boys...
So, back to school tomorrow... bring it on! I'm in a great mood after so much fun this weekend! Happy homecoming week for me :-)